Foster Care Resources in Colorado Springs & El Paso County

Photo of Garden of the Gods, near Colorado Springs

Welcome to “Resources in Your Community”, where we answer the question - “where can I find foster care resources near me?”

Need help finding foster care resources near where you live? If you live in Colorado Springs or El Paso County, we’ve got you covered!

Know of a resource we should include on our foster care resource database?

Kids Crossing - Colorado Springs

Just getting started on your foster care journey? Get in contact with Kids Crossing!

They are a foster care agency with multiple locations across Colorado, including in Colorado Springs. They provide licensing, supportive services, training, and information to current and aspiring foster parents. 

Learn more at

Forge Evolution participants

Forge Evolution (formerly Colorado Springs Teen Court)

This independent non-profit focuses on restorative justice. Forge Evolution provides an alternative to regular Municipal Court sentencing for first-time misdemeanor offenses committed by young people between 10 and 18 years of age.

The purpose is to hold youth offenders accountable for their actions and to assist them in making better life choices through relevant sentencing options.

They also provide a free, drop-in extracurricular program for teens which fosters the development of both hard and soft skills in a way that is engaging, exciting, and inspiring.

Learn more at

Spark Mindset

Looking to improve your tech skills? Spark Mindset provides online apprenticeships, mentoring, training, and job opportunities in cybersecurity for youths (6th grade and older) and adults from historically disadvantaged backgrounds - all for free!

Learn more at

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Stroud Scholars

Do you look after a high-schooler? If so, they may be interested in this free, three-year summer college preparatory program for high school students at Colorado College. Students who complete the program earn admission to Colorado College and receive a financial aid package that will enable them to attend.

Learn more at

Podcast guests of the episode "The Medicine Stick"

Did you know that Just As Special also has a podcast

Listening is a great way to learn about foster care from diverse perspectives and become more trauma-informed.

One of our most popular episodes is “The Medicine Stick”. Share your favorite episode with your community!

Griffith Centers For Children - Chins Up

This trauma-informed provider seeks to support the healthy development of children in foster care. They provide a variety of services, including tele-mental health (they accept Medicaid), cooking classes for kids, support services, and much more. 

Learn more at

These are just a few of the foster care resources available in Colorado Springs and El Paso County. Need more resources? Check out our foster care resource database for the state of Colorado that was created in partnership with Cobbled Streets.


How can I become a foster parent?


First Steps to Getting Involved with Foster Care (in Big or Small Ways)