Foster Care Resources in the Denver Area

An aerial image of downtown Denver

Welcome to “Resources in Your Community”, where we answer the question - “where can I find foster care resources near me?”

Need help finding foster care resources near where you live? If you live in Denver or the surrounding area, we’ve got you covered!

Know of a resource we should include on our foster care resource database?

A child wearing a red shirt, smiling at the camera and giving it a thumbs up.

Cobbled Streets provides opportunities and experiences for youth in care while promoting healthy relationships with adults. These opportunities take many forms - art, sports, equine therapy, storytelling, and more. They also provide customized support, activities, and information to foster parents. 

Learn more at

A person writing on a board while presenting a workshop.

Foster Source

Just getting started on your foster care journey? Get in contact with Foster Source! They provide services, training, and information to current and aspiring foster parents across Colorado.

Learn more at

Follow Just As Special on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about foster care.

Raise the Future

Is a kid in your care looking for a mentor? Raise the Future connects youth in care with mentors throughout Colorado. For foster parents (and aspiring foster parents!) Raise the Future provides a comprehensive database of supportive services across Colorado.

Learn more at

The Center on Colfax

The Center on Colfax runs an LGBTQ Family Program. This program provides resources and free or low-cost activities for families with children under 12 to enjoy together, as well as quarterly events for LGBTQ families.

Learn more at

Did you know that Just As Special also has a podcast?

Listening is a great way to learn about foster care from diverse perspectives and become more trauma-informed.

A popular recent episode is “The Extra-Intense Life of a Gay Kid in Foster Care”. Share your favorite episode with your community!

Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center

This organization provides legal and social aid to children in Colorado who are abused, neglected, and at-risk. Their programs include caregiver advocacy, domestic violence prevention, and advocacy training for young adults.

Learn more at ChildLawCenter/Service-Areas.

These are just a few of the foster care resources available in Denver and the surrounding metro area. Need more resources? Check out our foster care resource database for the state of Colorado that we created in partnership with Cobbled Streets.


How can I prepare myself to become a foster parent? (Internal Things)


How can I prepare myself to become a foster parent? (External Things)